
Publication List (in reverse chronological order)
40.Banyasz, T, Jian, Z, Horvath, B, Khabbaz, S, Izu, LT, Chen-Izu, Y. Beta-adrenergic stimulation reverses the I Kr-I Ks dominant pattern during cardiac action potential. Pflügers Archiv – European Journal of Physiology (2014) 466:2067–2076 (2014). Research Article (pdf)
39.Yuanfang Xie, Leighton T. Izu, Donald M. Bers, and Daisuke Sato. Arrhythmogenic Transient Dynamics in Cardiac Myocytes. Biophysical Journal 106:1391–1397 (2014). Research Article (pdf)
38.Shaw, J, Izu, L, Chen-Izu, Y. Mechanical analysis of single myocyte contraction in a 3-d elastic matrix. PLoS One, 8(10): e75492 (2013). Research Article (pdf)
37.Horvath, B, Banyasz, T, Jian, Z, Hegyi, B, Kistamas, K, Nanasi, PP, Izu, LT, Chen-Izu, Y. Dynamics of the late Na(+) current during cardiac action potential and its contribution to afterdepolarizations. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 64: 59-68 (2013). Research Article (pdf)
36.Puglisi, JL, Negroni, JA, Chen-Izu, Y, Bers, DM. The force-frequency relationship: insights from mathematical modeling. Advances in physiology education, 37(1): 28-34 (2013). [Review] Research Article (pdf)
35.Izu, LT, Xie, Y, Sato, D, Banyasz, T, Chen-Izu, Y. Ca2+ Waves in the Heart. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 58: 118-24 (2013). [Review] Research Article (pdf)
34.Banyasz, T, Horvath, B, Jian, Z, Izu, LT, Chen-Izu, Y. Profile of L-type Ca2 current and Na+/Ca2+ exchange current during cardiac action potential in ventricular myocytes. Heart Rhythm, 9(1): 134-42 (2012).span style=”color: #121315; font-weight: 500;”> Research Article (pdf)
33.Izu, LT, Chen-Izu, Y. Une cellule type? Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 52(5): 921-2 (2012). Editorial (pdf)
32.Chen-Izu Y, Leighton T. Izu, Peter P. Nanasi, Tamas Banyasz. From Action Potential Clamp to “Onion-Peeling” Technique—recording of ionic currents under physiological conditions, Fatima Shad Kaneez, (editor), Patch Clamp Technique, Vol. ISBN 978-953-51-0406, InTech. (Rijeka) (2012). Book Chapter (pdf)
31.Bányász, T, Szentandrássy, N, Tóth, A, Nánási, PP, Magyar, J, Chen-Izu, Y.
Cardiac calmodulin kinase: a potential target for drug design.
Current Medicinal Chemistry, 18(24): 3707-13 (2011). [Review] Research Article (pdf)