Ca2+ signaling dynamics

The Ca2+ signaling system is central to the E-C coupling in cardiomyocytes. During the action potential (AP), the L-type Ca2+ channels open and Ca2+ enters the cell, which triggers opening of the ryanodine receptors (RyR), which then allows a massive Ca2+ release from SR to cause a cytosolic Ca2+ transient.  This Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release is a positive feedback mechanism that governs the Ca2+ signaling system. In heathy heart, the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release is synchronized through the T-tubule network that gives rise to a uniform Ca2+ transient to trigger cell contraction. However, in diseased heart, detubulation causes some RyRs to become decoupled to the L-type Ca channels (called orphan RyRs). The Ca2+ released from early opening RyRs can diffuse to neighboring orphan RyRs to release more Ca2+, causing regenerative Ca2+ waves. The Ca2+ waves are spontaneous in nature, which can cause arrhythmogenic electrical activities. We combine experiments with mathematical modeling to study the Ca2+ dynamics are important to heart function and arrhythmias.

Publication List (in reverse chronological order)
5. Chen-Izu Y, Chris W. Ward, Wayne Stark Jr., Marius P. Sumandea, C. William Balke, Leighton T. Izu. Xander H.T. Wehrens. Phosphorylation of RyR2 and shortening of RyR2 cluster spacing in spontaneously hypertensive rat with heart failure. Am J Physiol. 293(4):H2409-17 (2007).
4. Izu LT, Banyasz T, Balke CW and Chen-Izu Y. Eavesdropping on the Social Lives of Ca2+ Sparks. Biophysical J 93:3408-3420 (2007) PMC2072070.
3. Chen-Izu Y, Stacey L. McCulle, Chris W. Ward, Christian Soeller, Bryan M Allen, Cal Rabang, Mark B Cannell, C William Balke, Leighton T. Izu*. Three-dimensional Distribution of Ryanodine Receptor Clusters in Cardiac Myocytes. Biophysical J 91:1-13 (2006) PMCID: PMC 1479079.
2. Leighton T Izu, Shawn Means, John Shadid, Chen-Izu Y, C. W. Balke. Interplay of Ryanodine Receptor Distribution and Calcium dynamics. Biophysical J 91:95-112 (2006) PMCID: PMC 1479049.
1. Izu, L.T., W.G. Wier, and C.W. Balke (2001). Evolution of cardiac calcium waves from stochastic calcium sparks. Biophys. J. 80:103-120.