
Cardiomyocytes contract against a mechanical load during each heartbeat. We developed a 3-D Cell-in-Gel system top apply mechanical afterload during cardiomyocyte contraction. We discovered that the nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS1, or nNOS) was involved in transducing mechanical load to alter Ca2+ signaling in cardiomyocytes. Mechanical load increased the systolic Ca2+ transient, which enhanced contractility to counter the load increase. Mechanical load also caused spontaneous Ca2+ sparks and waves during diastole that are arrhythmogenic. We also identify NOS1, Nox2, and CaMKII as chemo-transducers in the mechano-chemo-transduction, which provides new therapeutic targets for treating cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure associated with high mechanical stresses (i.e., high blood pressure, HFrEF, HFpEF, etc.)

Publication List (in reverse chronological order)
1. Jian, Z, Han, H, Zhang, T, Puglisi, J, Izu, LT, Shaw, JA, Onofiok, E, Erickson, JR, Chen, YJ, Horvath, B, Shimkunas, R, Xiao, W, Li, Y, Pan, T, Chan, J, Banyasz, T, Tardiff, JC, Chiamvimonvat, N, Bers, DM, Lam, KS, Chen-Izu, Y. Mechanochemotransduction during cardiomyocyte contraction is mediated by localized nitric oxide signaling. Science Signaling, 7(317): ra27 (2014).